About the Journal
Unizik Journal of Educational Research, Science and Vocational Studies, UJERSVOCS, is based in the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. It accepts and publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited original papers in all areas of education. Authors who wish to publish papers in UJERSVOCS shall follow the following guidelines for their papers to be published:
Manuscripts: All manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word; be typewritten in good British English and be written in objective third person point of view throughout (Use "the authors" or "the researchers" NOT "I" or "we")
Originality of manuscripts: Only original submissions will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts may not have been previously published or be submitted for publication elsewhere.
Copyright: As part of the manuscript submission process, authors will be asked to fill a copy right form or to sign the Author’s Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement digitally.
Plagiarism: UJERSVOCS takes concerns of plagiarism very seriously. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarized passages prior to being accepted for publication. Authors should ensure that all information taken from outside sources is properly cited and that all thoughts are composed in the authors’ own words. All instances of plagiarism will be immediately returned to the authors for correction and may be cause for removal of the manuscript from the publication.
Titles and Title Page: Titles may not be longer than 22 words. Subtitles, if included, may be no longer than 18 words. All titles must be entered in title case. To put a title in title case, the first letter of each word should be capitalized unless that word is a preposition (position words such as “over,” “with,” or “between”), conjunction (connecting words such as “and” or “but”), or article (“a,” “an,” or “the”). The title should be a brief phrase reflecting the contents of the paper. The Title Page should include the authors' full names and affiliations, the name of the corresponding author along with phone and e-mail information.
Authors’ Titles and Names: The title of the author shall come first. This will be followed by first name, (second name or abbreviation if any), and surname.
Headings: All headings and subheadings should NOT be numbered. The subheadings to follow in manuscript preparation include: Introduction; Research Question(s); Hypothesis/Hypotheses (if any); Research Method; Result Presentation; Discussion of Findings; Conclusion; Recommendations. A little variation may be allowed for positional papers.
Abstract and Keywords: All manuscripts must include an abstract and keywords. The abstract shall concisely contain the purpose; number of research questions and hypotheses; research method; major finding(s) and the corresponding recommendation(s). Keywords of 3-5 words can be stated below the abstract.
Structure of the Paper: Each paper, especially empirical report, is expected to be structured thus: introduction, research question(s) and/or hypothesis (es), research method, presentation of results, discussion, conclusion, recommendations and references (and appendix where necessary).
Introduction: The introduction should provide a clear background and statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution. The motivation for the study must be clearly stated at the concluding part of the introduction.
Research Questions/Hypotheses: They shall be part of the introduction and come immediately after the motivation for the study. The research questions and hypotheses (if any) must emanate directly from the title of the paper.
Research Method: This should be complete enough to allow possible replication of the research. It should contain the research design, population, sampling procedure, sample size, instrumentation, test for reliability, validation, method of analysis and level of significance. Slight variations may be allowed. All these procedures are necessary guides in the arrangement of the research method and should not appear as subheadings in the research method.
Presentation of Results: The results should be presented with clarity and precision. It should be presented under the directional/research questions or hypotheses. It should be written in the past tense when describing author's findings, but references to previous findings should be written in the present tense. The results should be explained.
Discussion of Findings: The discussion of findings should relate the research findings to the findings of earlier researches that are relevant to the study. Justification should be made for deviation from expectation and previous studies. Only studies reviewed in the introduction shall be used in the discussion.
Conclusion: This shall be brief and direct to the findings of the study.
Recommendations: Authors are required to recommend innovatively based on the findings of the study.
APA citations and References: Authors are to ensure that all information in their manuscripts that is taken from another source is substantiated with an in-text reference citation. All references must follow APA (American Psychological Association) style. APA 6th or 7th Edition may be used. The two editions shall not be used in a single manuscript simultaneously. Authors are advised to be consistent. References must be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. Authors should ensure that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa. Authors are to ensure that at least 30% of the references from the list are the latest 5 years back.
Peer review: All submissions must undergo a double-blind review process before being accepted for publication. Authors can refer to UJERSVOCS review process for more information.